
Showing posts from September, 2018
People are lonely, but they still don't know they are going get through better moments. We're just beginning life.
He intended the characters to be the same.
Is the story a tragedy or comedy: Tragedy because someone lost their relationship and forever changed their life. It would've been different because they wouldn't ha e gone through the whole thing they went through, they could've had a relationship in which they laughed and kisses all the time.

Questions for author.

So the author's story that I read said that he wanted to right something that happens in real life. Everybody is going to go through  this moment, but we must take it as a lesson. We must overcome and surpass bad moments with positivity. Things will always get better.


Josue Lopez 09/28/2018 Just another day in Afghanistan   It was a nice day in Afghanistan, well not really because it was summer, and during the summer the average temperature is 120 degrees fahrenheit.The team of 15 men and 7 female American troops from the Army branch were on there way to the safe zone, they had traveled 7 miles out of the 25 miles they had to walk with 90 pounds of gear and a 25 pound body armor vest. The Belgian Malinois seemed tired, so the troops stopped to rest in a nearby village. There were many Afghans watching the troops that stopped to rest for 5 minutes. The village where the troops stopped was really dry, but at least they were covered in shade. More Afghans gathered, but they kept their distance. Some were on top of buildings. There was women too, they had full black burkas covering their whole body. They were so far that the troops couldn't see their eyes. Old cars started to appear, the troops were now on full alert. A man with a pack o

Rich Dad Poor Dad

   So for English class, the book I chose to read is 'Rich Dad Poor Dad'. This book was recommended by an Entrepreneur who came to one of my classes in Junior year.

The meaning of Tone

Tone is the author's attitude towards the characters, the subject, or the attitude.

The Making of a Satire

So first, I thought I knew how to make a satire, but I was wrong when my English teacher was explaining it. So a satire is when you take something serious, and like explain it in an opposite way. Maybe saying that wildfires are increasing at a faster rate than decades before, but we make fun of it and say something like, wildfires are good because here in California, it's so cold that we are freezing to death so the wildfires do help us stay warmer. Its not just explaining the impacts of something that is affecting the world, but its making fun of it so that people can reflect and open up their eyes and see the true horrors of what is going on in the world. To make a satire, you just be sarcastic about something that you truly think is affecting the world or just whatever you want that bothers you.

My Satire

For those who think climate change is not a problem and it's a hoax, well sure then, lets set up wildfires on purpose here in California since its so cold, maybe that will warm us up a bit. Lets keep burning coal so that it can clear the air and we can breathe better. We don't need polar bears, they kill penguins and seals, they're mean so lets keep on making the earth warmer so that their ice that they are living on melts and they could die, that's what happens to them for messing with innocent seals. Lets keep on using plastic, lets keep on throwing them in the ocean, hopefully mean sharks could die out of it since everyday there are thousands of victims of a shark attack. We made many animals go extinct, why not finish them all at once, who cares, we will never even see these animals in our life time.