
Showing posts from January, 2019

Macbeth's Therapist

Therapist - "So, you moved up to cawdor now right?" Macbeth - "Yes indeed, I'm super excited because I am just one position down from being KING!!! Hell yeah!" Therapist - "What are your wife's thoughts about this?" Macbeth -  Oh man, she's super duper excited as well! She can't wait to become queen! She's so obsessed with the idea!" Therapist - "How obsessed exactly?" Macbeth - "You promise not to say anything?" Therapist - "Of course not! Whatever happens here, stays here!" Macbeth - "Okay, well in that case, I shall tell you...." Therapist - "Sure, start whenever you want." Macbeth - "Okay, so when my wife found out I was close to being king, she started to attack me verbally" Therapist- "Really, how so?" Macbeth - "Well she started to talk crap about me, she was saying that I wasn't man enough to kill the ki- Oh, I wasn't supposed to s

Would I listen to a witch!?

The witches in this play have power because Shakespeare wanted to give them power. They use dark magic, they come from hell. They are no good. Banquo knows that the witches are not to be trusted. Macbeth is getting brainwashed by the idea that the thrown belongs to him. Banquo seems to not want to disagree with Macbeth because he might be a target, I think. Macbeth doesn't care, he's using the prophecy from the witches that Banquo's children will become king to convince Banquo. Forget that! I would never listen to a witch. They lead to no good and make you feel guilt.

The beginning of Macbethy, EXPLAINED!!!

In the beginning, the witches have a spooky entrance, the lightning and thunder make it seem something paranormal is about to happen. This makes the play feel like if it's a scary story. I think that these people really are witches because the God of thunder and lightning does not want them so he tries to strike them, and because they're ugly asf too! Sometimes, being fair to people may make others be foul to you. Or you may just treat people foul and treat others fair, the ones you want. Either way, you end up with one of these in your life. You get mistreated by the people you serve, or you are the one being served, but someone out there is planning something against you, or they just simply still don't like you. I think Macbeth is forced to do something against his will, or is just pressured.  I think that Macbeth loses something but gains another something. He lost his position and moved up to another higher rank. The guy who was cawdor is now sentenced to death whi

Macbeth in his own words

Macbeth seems like a very nice guy, who respects his country and  citizens. But when it comes to defend his people, he does not hesitate to kill the enemy. He doesn't care if you're human, if you're in his way, he will destroy you. But he has a kind heart for his people and his King.


1.) There are apps that you can use in order for your messages to be private/encrypted, such as Signal. Note: both receivers must use this app in order for this to work. 2.) Don't post/send unesseccery things that you will regret in the future.  3.) Change tour passwords constantly for all your social media apps, this will minimize the risk of getting hacked. Choose a random, long, hard to remember password.  4.) My tip, don't message that much people, don't expose your face, don't use your real name, use a VPN app.

Shakespearean Badass

Macbeth seems to be fearless, ruthless, relentless, merciless. He doesn't show remorse, or disgust. He just kills for like sport. He's so good at it, that he's used to being covered on blood and holding a head dripping with blood. He's used to seeing such gore. He probably drinks their blood. Oh Jesus lord savior, save us from this monster.


Macbeth is Shakespeare's shortest tragedy. It's about a person who wanted to rise to power so bad, but it also shows the effects of it, the physical and psychological effects it had on Macbeth. Macbeth is told by three witches that he was destined to become the King of Scotland, he became so obsessed with what he heard, that he started to murder everyone that stood in his path. Macbeth killed the king, which secured his place to the thrown. To make thing's worse, he killed other's that seemed to have suspicion of Macbeth's rise to the thrown. He then started to feel so much guilt and paranoia. In the end, him and his wifey end up dying. This actually seems to be a lot like Trump. I don't know for sure, but Trump may have some connections with Russia since Mueller is investigating him. Trump may have cheated his way to the presidency, Russia seemed to help him. Trump also has been firing many people, that could also be a sign that he doesn't want anyone to su

Paul Simon video

I saw many awesome values in this video. I saw how people treated each other with PLUR - Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect. I truly believe in that. I saw how people collabed to make music, they fused different cultures and sounds on many songs. I see this in a lot of festivals that I watch on YouTube. Dutch Dj's collab with Germans to make even better music. Or how Hispanic people collab with Italians. Many countries unite to make one. It's mind blowing what these cultures can bring to our ears. It doesn't exclude people, it doesn't put others down or call them out, it's doesn't objectify, it's not explicit in which words have to be cut out. It's unique, it's PLUR.

Something wicked this way comes

So it's a story about some teenagers, one is about to turn 14. There's a man who warns them about a big storm coming. There's also a carnival about to happen. This honestly seems to be like a very interesting story that i would like to read about. Maybe the storm will impact the carnival and everybody dies, it will be a cool tragic story. Like Macbeth, these both seem interesting.