
Showing posts from February, 2019

We Are Living in The Brave New World

So I'm not able to post any comment on the assignments, I don't know why, but I will be doing it in here. So about what this guy said, Aldous Huxley, I think he has great thinking. I must agree with him. First of all, he talks about overpopulation. The world is becoming more crowded with unnecessary human beings. The more people are created, the more resources we use up, the more the government intervenes. The government intervenes because the people are using these natural resources to better themselves. Once the people start to grow economically, then the government starts to take responsibility for the things other people created. According to Aldous Huxley, this mostly happens in the undeveloped countries, or third world countries I believe. Also, Aldous Huxley claims that technology and propaganda is being used to control the people. He uses an example of how Hitler used the radios to spread his propaganda, and it worked. Nowadays, people are radicalized by anything. The


I think that my Big Question to become a DJ has just a few subjects. I think one might be math, another physics, and the last one technology. I think that to become what I want to be, I will need a lot of math. I actually use math when I'm mixing. There are loops that one needs to get a good mix. Physics is needed because you need the perfect timing and the perfect sound to get your mix right. You need to be able to listen to the upcoming track in order to have a good mix. The bpm (beats per minute) fall unfor the category of technology you need a good set to have your bpm' s correct. Wether it's 120 bpm, or 128 bpm. Your technology must guess it right so you can adjust t


Josue Lopez Macbeth says “there would have been a time for such a word”, meaning that death is inevitable. Death is certain, and unavoidable, so whenever a person dies, we shouldn’t really be surprised, because that’s our destiny. Macbeth says this when his wifey died. Then he goes on to say, “tomorrow, and tomorrow,  and tomorrow. Creeps in this petty pace from day to day. To the last syllable of recorded time, and all our yesterdays have lighted fools”To me this means that death is haunting you. We all wake up in the morning, or when we’re about to sleep, some thank their God for another day that they are given. Others like me are just grateful for another day to live. But little do we know, thats its not another day we live, it’s another day closer to our death. We’re basically survivors of this life. We survived many decades, but even more decades are yet to come for us young people, if we stay strong, we will live longer. Being healthy can play a big role for a longer life, b

My thoughts on Shakespeare's words

So for the first one, Banquo summarizes what the witches predicted. He basically says that everything has come true. The prophecy of the weird women became true. Macbeth became king, which was the prophecy of the witches. He had to be king, no matter the cost. Banquo now has to wait for his prophecy to become true. That his children will be king, not him. Now he will stay shut, to not spill the beans. For the second one, Macbeth is getting frustrated about himself in this position. He doesn't feel safe, he thinks Banquo will do something. Macbeth says that he did everything for the prophecy to come true, Banquo did nothing. Now, Macbeth is screwed and will go to he'll for the murder of Duncan. Macbeth wanted to pass down the thrown to somebody in his family, not for someone else's. Macbeth is truly screwed, he is cursed with the conscience of murder, and now he will pass down the thrown to Banquo's son. Lady Macbeth now says that if you've sacrificed everything

Macbeth Act 2 notes

So now the witches are up to no good. They're sacrificing body parts of specific human races into their sick boiling stew or soup, whatever they're making. But it's seems super gross, their witch craft is about to make something wicked comes this way, or "Something wicked this way comes." I don't like the feeling of this. The victims of this witch craft don't deserve this treatment. Oh Lord Jesus savior save us all!!!😦


Make good decisions for yourself, and for your future. I'f you think of making a decision and are feeling bad about it, then don't do it! It will effect your fiture. You will have a guilty feel for a looong time. So, try not to make dumb stupid decisions, that's what I always think to myself, don't embarrass yourself.

Pack your bags, we're going on a guilt trip

So one day, I pulled the fire alarm in junior high. It was before winter break. We were on our last day before we headed for our one month break. I thought it would be funny to pull the alarm, so I did on my last period. I did not feel good. I felt so guilty the whole winter break, thinking what will happen to me, what would be the consequences when we came back. It was the worst winter break ever. I didn't even enjoy it that much because of that guilt. This is a very valuable lesson, don't pull the fire alarm just for fun.

Im sold

When people are about to be persuasive, they don't think about the effects of the other person. People are persuasive to others because they want to get their own way. They're selfish, only thinking about themselves. Being persuasive works a loy. It's basically brainwashing another person who has a weak mindset. If you have a weak mind, then you can easily be manipulated or radicalized by anything a person says. You gotta search for the facts, research, unbiased information. Be strong.