We Are Living in The Brave New World

So I'm not able to post any comment on the assignments, I don't know why, but I will be doing it in here. So about what this guy said, Aldous Huxley, I think he has great thinking. I must agree with him. First of all, he talks about overpopulation. The world is becoming more crowded with unnecessary human beings. The more people are created, the more resources we use up, the more the government intervenes. The government intervenes because the people are using these natural resources to better themselves. Once the people start to grow economically, then the government starts to take responsibility for the things other people created. According to Aldous Huxley, this mostly happens in the undeveloped countries, or third world countries I believe.
Also, Aldous Huxley claims that technology and propaganda is being used to control the people. He uses an example of how Hitler used the radios to spread his propaganda, and it worked. Nowadays, people are radicalized by anything. The technology we have is taking control of us, and we may not even realize it.
Communism is also taking over the world. People who live under communism can't really think for themselves, or have much freedom. Aldous Huxley uses an example of how people are being mind controlled, hypnotized by all of these things, communism, technology, and propaganda combined all in one weapon to radicalize the minds of people. He says that when this happens, 25% of the people can't take it, to the point in which they commit suicide. But those 75% who survived this, have become brain-washed into thinking what their government want them to think. They've become like babies, repeating the same things over and over from television. This is all true because it is written in history. Countries invade third world countries for their natural resources, like the U.S is doing in the middle east. Adolf Hitler used propaganda to spread fear and control his people, Kim Jong Un rules his people with fear. People become radicalized by watching a short ISIS clip, then they commit acts of terror all over the world. This is what the world has become. The end is near, we will end ourselves, humanity is doomed.
Update: I just read the article about some Kansas teachers who are going to be imprisoned if they teach harmful material under this new bill. The government really does not want the people to rise or think for themselves. Aldous Huxley was right, also Thanos.


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