
Showing posts from March, 2019

Brave New world Chapter 8 Ideas

Linda does not see it as a sin to be having sex with the men of other women from the village. In Linda's culture, they are thought that everybody belongs to everybody. Therefore, in her mindset,she is okay, it's normal for her to do what she does. This causes outrage from the village's women because they believe in marriage. They are like Christians, believe in different gods. They follow the marriage law of the bible, in which one man and woman belong together, and neither should commit adultery, I believe that's one of the 10 commandments of the Jewish God. John sees this and gets mad, it's like the same with Hamlet, when King Claudius killed his father to be in the throne. But at the same time, Hamlet's mother became Claudius's wifey. I think Juohn realized this by hanging out with the villagers a lot, and becoming a customer to their culture of marriage. He also reads a lot of Shakespeare. Popé brings something that Linda considers soma because of the e

Chapter 8 BNW

Linda is mad and sad that she has a son. She is used to having sex with other men which is why she let's other men from the village to go and visit her. Which caused big madness from the women.....

Good Morning

At first, In my mornings, I used to not do my bed at all. I would just get up, and leave the blankets like that. Now, I do my bed. I've been doing it for a good year now. I learned that a clean and nicely done bed makes your room look more nice and civilized. If the sheets are all in a ball and ugly looking, then your room will look messy and with little space. My bed is now nice and flat when I do it, I could sit on it, or put some clothes to get readym o don't have to worry about anything being lost under the sheets because everythi g is nicely done. I will keep on doing this forever because I dont like my room to look messy. Putting on music is also a must. I can't live without that. Usually, I put an hour long mix. Like a Heldeep Radio show by Oliver Heldens, or a downloaded mix by Axwell, in Axtone' s label. While listening to music, I iron up my clothes, maybe eat, and then shower up. That's everyday on a school day .

Reading Me

I actually do read when I get home. I don't know if reading articles on Facebook counts, but I still read. I also listen and learn from YouTube videos. I like to watch Ben Shaoiro's videos, when he defeats leftists with facts. I like his saying, "Facts don't care about your feelings". Usually, I read any article that seems interesting. My most recent reading was an article of how Mexican cartels use torture to kill their enemies. I also read the information about the New Zealand massacre/terrorist  attack. I wish I actually had more physical books to take places so that I can read. I don't like having pdfs on my phone because people will just think that I'm on social media or playing games. I want them to see what I'm reading, and that I'm actually reading something, unlike the people surrounding me.

Brave New World Chapter 6

Part 1 Lennina is still debating with herself wether she should go out to New Mexico with Bernard despite the way he acts and thinks. Bernard asks Lennina if she would ever like to feel free, or real passion. Bernard knows that they are conditioned to feel things, but he doesn't want that fake stuff, he want's to feel more of himself. He says that they are pretty much enslaved. Part 2 Bernard goes to the director to get permission to go to the savage reservation. The Director dislikes Bernard because Bernard is not like the rest of his status. He's different. The Director then starts to tell Bernard a story about 20 years ago. About how he too brought along a female, but she got lost on a hiking trip. They tried looking for her, but never found her. The director felt sadness, but then got angry at Bernard for not stopping him remember the past. The Director told Bernard that if he keeps acting up, he will be sent to Iceland. Part 3 Bernard and Lennina finally are going

Brave New World Chapter 5 notes

In this chapter, Lennina and some other dude go out of town or something after playing golf. they pass a farm of cows who were creating milk. They also pass a place in which I think they burned people. Dead people. All of those chemicals that are released from the dead body are recycled and fed to the plants to grow. Lennina was shocked that even Epsilons are important. The guy that she was with inside the helicopter explains to her why even Epsilons are important. In part 2, Bernard is going to this one religious meeting of twelve people. They start taking a bunch of soma, then all have sex in a group. 

Brave new World Chapter 4

Bernard and his crush Lennina are at an elevator. Lennina asks Bernard if they're still going to the 1 week trip. Bernard is kinda embarrassed about this because there are other men in that elevator, Apparently, Lennina had sex with all of those people already. There is this guy named Hemholtz, who is Bernards friend. They start talking about things that are not normal for a person in their society to think of. They're like outsiders in their own mind.

Brave New Conversation

In my opinion, I think communism is the way.I think that in this book, the people are livi g in like a communist country, in which they have no liberty to think for themselves. Or maybe that's more like North Korea. I don't think Russia is like that. But the people in Brave New World, they're trained to think what the scientists want them to think.

Brave New World Chapter 1 Notes

So I figured out why the people in Brave New World use A.F. instead of A.D. First of all, their society doesn't believe in any religion. It makes the people weak minded. They don't believe in a god, which makes them atheist. They're all atheists. They consider Henry Ford as their leader, or creator because Henry Ford made a big impact on the industrial revolution. Thanks to Henry Ford, the people found their true potential. This is why they use A.F, for "Anno Ford". Its like a tribute to the person who created them. Everybody in Chapter 1 has a role in the world. They're all divided, and controlled since birth. They're trained to not like things. The people are not created by sexual reproduction, they're created in a lab. They're clones. Many od them only come from a single embryo .

I'm the person I've been waiting for

I think when someone hears or sees a person that needs help, they refuse to help because they may be afraid. Society now puts you in trouble if you help out someone. For example, I believe there was this lifeguard on the beach, and there was this lady I think, who was saved by this lifeguard because she was drowning. The lifeguard put himself in danger because of the weight he had to swim with while saving a life. The woman later sued the lifeguard for rape. In China, some people won't help you, even if you just crashed or got hit by a car. Same thing goes here, the victims sue you. Now, you're responsible for taking care of this person by paying their hospital bills and all other expenses. This is the reason why some people don't want to help. Others, may just simply not have the courage to do it, which is why they wait for somebody else to do something first. It just takes a small little baby spark to start a fire, that's the same for the people, it only takes one per