
Showing posts from 2018

The Clowns of Death

So in class, we discussed how the Clowns digging the burial in which Ophelia will be in is really ironic.  It's Ironic because clowns are hired to make you laugh, to make you happy, to have a great time, but we see that in this case they're doing the opposite. It also shows that what in the world are clowns doing in a graveyard? Of all the people that could've dug up the grave, clowns were sent to do it. It's not  normal for a clown to be in a graveyard digging up a grave at a time of grief and much sadness. What are they gonna do? Make the people laugh, tell jokes about Ophelia's death. Now that's just wrong.

Hamlet & Me

I could kinda relate to Hamlet's feeling about losing his father. It hurts when you lose somebody, a lot, especially if they were so close to you. I personally, never lost anybody so close to me. I lost a far uncle. The only time I would meet him was just to do some landscaping work. He took me to work when I needed a job. He died in a tragic accident. It still hurt me, his death was so cruel. My uncle died in a car accident on the freeway when he was coming back from a job, they say they were trying to get him out, but the fire was too strong. He died burning alive. May he rest in peace.😢 I could also see why the guards were scared when they saw the ghost. Once, I remember I saw a little girl in my room, she looked a lot like my little sister, when I looked closer, it was my dog. One thing I hate about hamlet, it would be him taking advantage of a girl. He starts playing with her feelings. That really pissed me off. I've seen how some girls aren't really opened up anymo

Hamlet Summary Acts 1 & 2

So the guards spotted a ghost, they were obviously shocked. The guards tell Hamlet about the ghost. King Claudius, Hamlet's uncle, tells him to stop crying over his father's death. Hamlet wanted the people to be moarning his father's death. King Claudius and everybody else doesn't care about Hamlet's loss. Laertes and Polonius tell Ophelia that Hamlet doesn't really love her. Polonius tells Ophelia to stop talking to Hamlet. Hamlet then meets with the ghost, the ghost tells hamlet a lot of things, for example, King Claudius killed him so that he can take the thrown for himself. The ghost wants Hamlet to take revenge, Hamlet swears to avenge his father's death. Hamlet goes into Ophelia and basically sexually assaulted her. Polonius tells the king about what Hammy did, Polonious thinks that Hamlet is crazy , but he's planning something. The rulers think its normal for Hammy to be in love. Two of Hamlet's friends are sent to spy on Hamlet. Hamlet find

The plan within the play.

So I watched a video on this, and it explains that Hamlet is trying to use the actors to play a tragedy that is happening in their kingdom. Hamlet wants the actors to play the murder of hos father. He already knows what happened, and is giving instructions on how the play will be made. He wants to see a reaction of King Claudius since he will be witnessing the play. If there is a reaction, then Claudius must be guilty of his own brother's murder. Hamlet will then take matters in his own hands.


So today I was researching what institutes offer scholarships for DJs, and I found out that Musicians Institute, Masters of Music offered scholarships for all types of musicians. From guitar players to Djs to singers. I want to start a business in music, and they had that offer .

Hamlet's First Solilaquy.

I think that hamlet tried to say.... How can a woman who was married to a person who loved her so much, that he wouldn't allow the wind to blow so hard on her face so he covered her, somebody who would die for that woman, somebody who would do anything, how could a woman let go of these feelings in a month and marry someone else. In this case, Hamlet's father died, so now his mother married his uncle in like a month. Hamlet questions himself about this, why is he living like this, what has got into his mother. I think he feels betrayed because Hamlet's mother was supposed to love her husband as much as Hamlet did, but she just proved that he didn't mean anything to her.

Rich Dad Poor Dad

The book I chose to read is still called, 'Rich Dad Poor Dad', by Roberto Kiyosaki. so far what I've been reading was about parents wanting their children to go to school; go to college, and find a good paying job right after. But Robert explains why this formula is not working anymore for the new generations. People back then had it easy, college wasn't as expensive as now. Now, most people try to get a job that is high paying, but they don't love their job. so what's the point of working somewhere you hate being in? Why not look for the job that you are passionate about doing?


Denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified.


Used to denote a superior or more advanced version of an original concept, product, service, etc.


A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.


The World Wide Web (WWW) is combination of all resources and users on the Internet that are using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). 


A location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more pages on the World Wide Web.


The address of a World Wide Web page.


A website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users.


A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.


1 . of the nature of, caused by, or relating to a virus or viruses. 2 . relating to or involving an image, video, piece of information, etc., that is circulated rapidly and widely from one Internet user to another.


An infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host.


A humorous image, video, piece of text, etc., that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.

Canterbury Tales Characters

So far I have read the stories from the Knight to the Pope. The Knight is basically an awesome soldier who has survived fifteen bloody hell battles. He has been through many battles and has gotten respect out of them, he also survived like a first wave before the rest of the army would show up. Something like World War 2's D-Day. I knew his story was going to be awesome since they're all about honor and sacrifice. The Knight also believes a lot in his religion. The Knight also has a son who he took with him through the journey. His son is about twenty years young. The son is looking forward to win the girl of his dreams, which is why he came along this journey. I also read about a nun. She was a very emotional nun, everybody would be entertained because she acted curious to them. The nun would cry if anything sad would happen, she also had a couple of dogs and basically claims that if her dogs were to like ever be trained in a harsh way, she will cry. The nun is like super neat


I believe I found something useful for Djs and musicians out there.


The team barely had any ammunition, or any men alive. They were outnumbered, 4 to 1. Until the Legend 27 entered the battle. The remaining men were just staring, they knew that they had won already, some questioned, "are you the Messiah!" They couldn't believe the ammunition that the Legend 27 was carring, the weapons the man was carrying could only be lifted by 3 men together, the medals on his bomber jacket outnumbered the ones that the captain was carrying. The men kneeled to the one and only who could save them from the massacre they were about to be given, some men were crying because they knew they had been saved. The Legend 27's face was covered in a black metallic mask, nobody knew how he looked, but one thing is for sure, whenever this man steps in a battle, all enemies wish their parents never met.

Best character

Im the Canterbury Tales, I think the Knight and the Monk seem like really badass characters. First of all, both are trained to kill. The Knight is a soldier, the Monk is a hunter. I like both, but I think I will have to go with the Monk because those guys are hardcore killers. Almost Samurai style, they're superhumans. I would like to learn how this monk hunts, his strategies, why he chose to be a monk.
People are lonely, but they still don't know they are going get through better moments. We're just beginning life.
He intended the characters to be the same.
Is the story a tragedy or comedy: Tragedy because someone lost their relationship and forever changed their life. It would've been different because they wouldn't ha e gone through the whole thing they went through, they could've had a relationship in which they laughed and kisses all the time.

Questions for author.

So the author's story that I read said that he wanted to right something that happens in real life. Everybody is going to go through  this moment, but we must take it as a lesson. We must overcome and surpass bad moments with positivity. Things will always get better.


Josue Lopez 09/28/2018 Just another day in Afghanistan   It was a nice day in Afghanistan, well not really because it was summer, and during the summer the average temperature is 120 degrees fahrenheit.The team of 15 men and 7 female American troops from the Army branch were on there way to the safe zone, they had traveled 7 miles out of the 25 miles they had to walk with 90 pounds of gear and a 25 pound body armor vest. The Belgian Malinois seemed tired, so the troops stopped to rest in a nearby village. There were many Afghans watching the troops that stopped to rest for 5 minutes. The village where the troops stopped was really dry, but at least they were covered in shade. More Afghans gathered, but they kept their distance. Some were on top of buildings. There was women too, they had full black burkas covering their whole body. They were so far that the troops couldn't see their eyes. Old cars started to appear, the troops were now on full alert. A man with a pack o

Rich Dad Poor Dad

   So for English class, the book I chose to read is 'Rich Dad Poor Dad'. This book was recommended by an Entrepreneur who came to one of my classes in Junior year.

The meaning of Tone

Tone is the author's attitude towards the characters, the subject, or the attitude.

The Making of a Satire

So first, I thought I knew how to make a satire, but I was wrong when my English teacher was explaining it. So a satire is when you take something serious, and like explain it in an opposite way. Maybe saying that wildfires are increasing at a faster rate than decades before, but we make fun of it and say something like, wildfires are good because here in California, it's so cold that we are freezing to death so the wildfires do help us stay warmer. Its not just explaining the impacts of something that is affecting the world, but its making fun of it so that people can reflect and open up their eyes and see the true horrors of what is going on in the world. To make a satire, you just be sarcastic about something that you truly think is affecting the world or just whatever you want that bothers you.

My Satire

For those who think climate change is not a problem and it's a hoax, well sure then, lets set up wildfires on purpose here in California since its so cold, maybe that will warm us up a bit. Lets keep burning coal so that it can clear the air and we can breathe better. We don't need polar bears, they kill penguins and seals, they're mean so lets keep on making the earth warmer so that their ice that they are living on melts and they could die, that's what happens to them for messing with innocent seals. Lets keep on using plastic, lets keep on throwing them in the ocean, hopefully mean sharks could die out of it since everyday there are thousands of victims of a shark attack. We made many animals go extinct, why not finish them all at once, who cares, we will never even see these animals in our life time.
Many times, when people are arguing, when the person begins to lose the argument, they say some thing like 'I have rights to my own opinion', or "I'm entitled to my opinion", you can tell when the person who has claimed this has no more further arguments, in which they have already lost. Many times, when somebody says this, they feel like if they won the argument, instead of finding out if they were right or wrong.
So in English class, I learned that many teachers like to use the Socratic Method for students to express themselves. But the teachers never tell the students who invented the Socratic Method, who was in named after. The Socratic Method is an argument of individuals not seeking to win or lose, but seeking truth. Its about asking questions and answering answers. The Socratic Method is named after a Classical Greek Philosopher, Socrates.
So Montaigne's writing and stories are hard for people to understand. Montaigne might use nature to identify people's feelings.


Hello, so here's a little bit about me, I am a DJ; a pianist; I'm just begining to learn the guitar; I am an artist, I could draw about anything, you name it! I love exotic cars, I could name most exotic cars. What you can expect from me is a really friendly respectful lad. I will be posting about stories from my English class, and maybe sometimes exotic cars, and memes.