
Showing posts from 2019

Brave New World Chapter 18 notes

John is staying at a lighthouse, as an experiment ordered by mustafa mond. A reporter finds John whipping himself. The reporter waited 72 hours just for this shot. When the news was released, even more people came to see what john was doing. helicopters as well. John was so outraged because people wanted to see him get whipped, they found it entertaining like if he was an animal at a zoo. John starts whipping someone else, a female. He was thinking about Linda while doing this, perhaps, it was her. Later on, John wakes up from his sleep, he could't beleive what he just did, and in what position he was. He realized how horrible the world was to him, so he hangs himself. RIP John. :(

Brave New World chapter 17 notes

Mustapha Mond hides 3 religious books from the World State. Only ford's books are in the shelves, God's books are in the safe. John and Mustapha start debating wether they need a God. Mustapha says that the poeple no longer need a God because they are free from suffering. The society don;t get deseases, or become lonely. Jogn disagrees, because the people should choose wether they want to feel free, and be free, to think for themselves.

Brave New world Chapter 16 notes

John, Hemholtz, and Bernard are taken into the controllers room. John skims through a book of Henry Ford. He doesn't find it interesting. Mustapha Mond cones in, and starts talking about what will happen to them. He mentions islands, in which Bernard starts acting up and panics. He is then escorted out and will be banned in a different island. John and Hemholtz remain allies, Mustapha Mond sends both of them to the same island that have the same mindset as them. Mustapha Mond was also a normal person once. He knew about shakespeare, he was a scientist, he would've been banned to an island but decided to stay because he liked the World state.

Brave New World Chapter 15 notes

John meets a group of betas, I beleive they were. He sees how they're all the same, can't even tell the difference. John is disgusted. His brain starts to go over some Shakespeare stuff. Finally, he has the courage to fight for what is right. John throws the soma pills. He starts a riot. The group of the same people start to panic. The police come in while the speakers are turned on calming down the chaos with a voice and some air freshener. Everybody is drugged and everything goes back to normal. All three, John, Hemholtz, and Bernard are arrested and are sent out.

My Big Question Research

Some people think research is boring because they have to do it for a class, and it's usually about something that's not interesting.  But today I did research and it was awesome.  Here's how I did it.... I just go on YouTube, and listen to the best, freshest tracks I can find. Also, I watch big DJ's performing, and get ideas about mixing, and how to transition. But most importantly, about their intros. All Dj's must have an awesome intro, some are really great, while others could use a little bit more improvement. I download the individual tracks, also some of the remade intros. The Dj's who perform do it live, which includes the sound of the crowd. Therefore, one must remake it into a studio version with the best of their abilities and knowledge. I try to remake them, but they're really hard since I have no producing software, just a mixer on my phone. People may make fun of me for using a Djing app, but once they actually listen to my performance, they ar

My Big Question Research

So, my professor and I had a conference. It's done with all the students of the class. I honestly didn't want to go and talk because I'm too shy, but i'm glad i did! When we were talking, I found my cable that I use for Djing, which is part of my big question. My question is, how do Dj's start off? Do they first rent the equipment, do they save up? If so, how long did it take them to create their own business? That's what I want to do. I am the most passionate person about mixing. I take it so seriously which is why I'd rather create my own company or business to make people have a great time, and actually admire my skills! There are some people who do it, but they're either forced because it's part of their grade, or they're just told to do so, but I actually love doing it! Today, I found my cable. The cable that inserts 1 audio aux cord into your phone, or whatever the main device is that will have the music playing. The cable then has the two

Brave New world Chapter 14 notes

John goes to visit his mother, he is very worried. The nurse blushes and gets surprised about the word mother. When John goes to see his mother, Linda, he sits next to her. Linda is watching tennis, in a room where it is conditioned very nicely, just for your last moment. It releases perfume sprays to make you die happily. John starts thinking about his childhood with Linda. Linda mistakes John for Pope. Some twins were also around, making fun of Linda dying. One even calls her  "fat!" John gets mad about this. He also gets mad that Linda calls him Popé. He gets outraged because of the kids messing around. So he yells at them and tells them to stop. The nurse comes in to tell him to call down because he's unconditioning the twins. The 5 set of twins are being conditioned to not be afraid of death. To them, death is a happy moment. That's why they are not shocked about a person dying, until Linda dies, and John starts sobbing. John then leaves, while pushing one of the

Brave New World Chapter 13 notes

Lenina wants to confess to John that she loves him. But Lenina doesnt find the courage to do so, until Fanni persuades her. John goes to meet Helmholtz, but it was Lenina who answers the door. Lenina and John condlfess to each other that they both love each other, but then start arguing about what is right and wrong in love. Since Lenina took half a gram of soma, she doesn't care, so she approaches John to make love. John is outraged about this, and gets violent and verbally abusive. John calls Lenina a whore. She gets scared because shes been hit, so she hides in the bathroom. John gets a call about his mother who just got moved because she is very ill. John then goes immediately.

Brave New World Chapter 12 notes

Bernard wanted John to come out to meet people. Bernard was famous because of John. But John refused to show himself. The people became outraged and left. Helmholtz and John became really good friends. They shared poems. Bernard became extremely jealous about this.

BNW Ch 11 notes

Bernard has become very popular now. Girls want to have sex with him. In the other hand, John is on a date with Lenina. They go watch some pornographic movie or something, which makes John disgusted. This is not romantic at all, or lovely, as well as poetic. After they got done with their date, Lenina thought John and her would have sex, but they didn't because John is no hoe. John is cool.


In class, what I would like to learn in English class is how to speak with a British accent. This class is supposed to be British literature, might as well teach us the accent. I've always wanted to learn that accent, well, mostly the Aussie, but it's almost the same.

Brave New World Chapter 10 notes

The director is banning Bernard from the World State. He's trying to humiliate him, but Bernard comes with his final blow. Bernard brings in Linda. Linda starts to get crazy because she sees Tomakin, which is the Director. John then comes in, and calls him his "father" everybody in the lab starts to laugh. This actually embarrasses the director.

Brave New world Chapter 9 notes

Bernard goes of to tje warden in a helicopter to talk. Lenina took a soma overdose and is out cold for like 18 hours. John breaks in the place that he thought Lenina and Bernard were staying, only to find Lenina's belongings in a suit case. John then finds her sleeping. John wanted to touch her or unzip her clothes, but he was stopped by his thoughts. He started to say some Shakespeare stuff As well.

Brave New world Chapter 8 Ideas

Linda does not see it as a sin to be having sex with the men of other women from the village. In Linda's culture, they are thought that everybody belongs to everybody. Therefore, in her mindset,she is okay, it's normal for her to do what she does. This causes outrage from the village's women because they believe in marriage. They are like Christians, believe in different gods. They follow the marriage law of the bible, in which one man and woman belong together, and neither should commit adultery, I believe that's one of the 10 commandments of the Jewish God. John sees this and gets mad, it's like the same with Hamlet, when King Claudius killed his father to be in the throne. But at the same time, Hamlet's mother became Claudius's wifey. I think Juohn realized this by hanging out with the villagers a lot, and becoming a customer to their culture of marriage. He also reads a lot of Shakespeare. Popé brings something that Linda considers soma because of the e

Chapter 8 BNW

Linda is mad and sad that she has a son. She is used to having sex with other men which is why she let's other men from the village to go and visit her. Which caused big madness from the women.....

Good Morning

At first, In my mornings, I used to not do my bed at all. I would just get up, and leave the blankets like that. Now, I do my bed. I've been doing it for a good year now. I learned that a clean and nicely done bed makes your room look more nice and civilized. If the sheets are all in a ball and ugly looking, then your room will look messy and with little space. My bed is now nice and flat when I do it, I could sit on it, or put some clothes to get readym o don't have to worry about anything being lost under the sheets because everythi g is nicely done. I will keep on doing this forever because I dont like my room to look messy. Putting on music is also a must. I can't live without that. Usually, I put an hour long mix. Like a Heldeep Radio show by Oliver Heldens, or a downloaded mix by Axwell, in Axtone' s label. While listening to music, I iron up my clothes, maybe eat, and then shower up. That's everyday on a school day .

Reading Me

I actually do read when I get home. I don't know if reading articles on Facebook counts, but I still read. I also listen and learn from YouTube videos. I like to watch Ben Shaoiro's videos, when he defeats leftists with facts. I like his saying, "Facts don't care about your feelings". Usually, I read any article that seems interesting. My most recent reading was an article of how Mexican cartels use torture to kill their enemies. I also read the information about the New Zealand massacre/terrorist  attack. I wish I actually had more physical books to take places so that I can read. I don't like having pdfs on my phone because people will just think that I'm on social media or playing games. I want them to see what I'm reading, and that I'm actually reading something, unlike the people surrounding me.

Brave New World Chapter 6

Part 1 Lennina is still debating with herself wether she should go out to New Mexico with Bernard despite the way he acts and thinks. Bernard asks Lennina if she would ever like to feel free, or real passion. Bernard knows that they are conditioned to feel things, but he doesn't want that fake stuff, he want's to feel more of himself. He says that they are pretty much enslaved. Part 2 Bernard goes to the director to get permission to go to the savage reservation. The Director dislikes Bernard because Bernard is not like the rest of his status. He's different. The Director then starts to tell Bernard a story about 20 years ago. About how he too brought along a female, but she got lost on a hiking trip. They tried looking for her, but never found her. The director felt sadness, but then got angry at Bernard for not stopping him remember the past. The Director told Bernard that if he keeps acting up, he will be sent to Iceland. Part 3 Bernard and Lennina finally are going

Brave New World Chapter 5 notes

In this chapter, Lennina and some other dude go out of town or something after playing golf. they pass a farm of cows who were creating milk. They also pass a place in which I think they burned people. Dead people. All of those chemicals that are released from the dead body are recycled and fed to the plants to grow. Lennina was shocked that even Epsilons are important. The guy that she was with inside the helicopter explains to her why even Epsilons are important. In part 2, Bernard is going to this one religious meeting of twelve people. They start taking a bunch of soma, then all have sex in a group. 

Brave new World Chapter 4

Bernard and his crush Lennina are at an elevator. Lennina asks Bernard if they're still going to the 1 week trip. Bernard is kinda embarrassed about this because there are other men in that elevator, Apparently, Lennina had sex with all of those people already. There is this guy named Hemholtz, who is Bernards friend. They start talking about things that are not normal for a person in their society to think of. They're like outsiders in their own mind.

Brave New Conversation

In my opinion, I think communism is the way.I think that in this book, the people are livi g in like a communist country, in which they have no liberty to think for themselves. Or maybe that's more like North Korea. I don't think Russia is like that. But the people in Brave New World, they're trained to think what the scientists want them to think.

Brave New World Chapter 1 Notes

So I figured out why the people in Brave New World use A.F. instead of A.D. First of all, their society doesn't believe in any religion. It makes the people weak minded. They don't believe in a god, which makes them atheist. They're all atheists. They consider Henry Ford as their leader, or creator because Henry Ford made a big impact on the industrial revolution. Thanks to Henry Ford, the people found their true potential. This is why they use A.F, for "Anno Ford". Its like a tribute to the person who created them. Everybody in Chapter 1 has a role in the world. They're all divided, and controlled since birth. They're trained to not like things. The people are not created by sexual reproduction, they're created in a lab. They're clones. Many od them only come from a single embryo .

I'm the person I've been waiting for

I think when someone hears or sees a person that needs help, they refuse to help because they may be afraid. Society now puts you in trouble if you help out someone. For example, I believe there was this lifeguard on the beach, and there was this lady I think, who was saved by this lifeguard because she was drowning. The lifeguard put himself in danger because of the weight he had to swim with while saving a life. The woman later sued the lifeguard for rape. In China, some people won't help you, even if you just crashed or got hit by a car. Same thing goes here, the victims sue you. Now, you're responsible for taking care of this person by paying their hospital bills and all other expenses. This is the reason why some people don't want to help. Others, may just simply not have the courage to do it, which is why they wait for somebody else to do something first. It just takes a small little baby spark to start a fire, that's the same for the people, it only takes one per

We Are Living in The Brave New World

So I'm not able to post any comment on the assignments, I don't know why, but I will be doing it in here. So about what this guy said, Aldous Huxley, I think he has great thinking. I must agree with him. First of all, he talks about overpopulation. The world is becoming more crowded with unnecessary human beings. The more people are created, the more resources we use up, the more the government intervenes. The government intervenes because the people are using these natural resources to better themselves. Once the people start to grow economically, then the government starts to take responsibility for the things other people created. According to Aldous Huxley, this mostly happens in the undeveloped countries, or third world countries I believe. Also, Aldous Huxley claims that technology and propaganda is being used to control the people. He uses an example of how Hitler used the radios to spread his propaganda, and it worked. Nowadays, people are radicalized by anything. The


I think that my Big Question to become a DJ has just a few subjects. I think one might be math, another physics, and the last one technology. I think that to become what I want to be, I will need a lot of math. I actually use math when I'm mixing. There are loops that one needs to get a good mix. Physics is needed because you need the perfect timing and the perfect sound to get your mix right. You need to be able to listen to the upcoming track in order to have a good mix. The bpm (beats per minute) fall unfor the category of technology you need a good set to have your bpm' s correct. Wether it's 120 bpm, or 128 bpm. Your technology must guess it right so you can adjust t


Josue Lopez Macbeth says “there would have been a time for such a word”, meaning that death is inevitable. Death is certain, and unavoidable, so whenever a person dies, we shouldn’t really be surprised, because that’s our destiny. Macbeth says this when his wifey died. Then he goes on to say, “tomorrow, and tomorrow,  and tomorrow. Creeps in this petty pace from day to day. To the last syllable of recorded time, and all our yesterdays have lighted fools”To me this means that death is haunting you. We all wake up in the morning, or when we’re about to sleep, some thank their God for another day that they are given. Others like me are just grateful for another day to live. But little do we know, thats its not another day we live, it’s another day closer to our death. We’re basically survivors of this life. We survived many decades, but even more decades are yet to come for us young people, if we stay strong, we will live longer. Being healthy can play a big role for a longer life, b

My thoughts on Shakespeare's words

So for the first one, Banquo summarizes what the witches predicted. He basically says that everything has come true. The prophecy of the weird women became true. Macbeth became king, which was the prophecy of the witches. He had to be king, no matter the cost. Banquo now has to wait for his prophecy to become true. That his children will be king, not him. Now he will stay shut, to not spill the beans. For the second one, Macbeth is getting frustrated about himself in this position. He doesn't feel safe, he thinks Banquo will do something. Macbeth says that he did everything for the prophecy to come true, Banquo did nothing. Now, Macbeth is screwed and will go to he'll for the murder of Duncan. Macbeth wanted to pass down the thrown to somebody in his family, not for someone else's. Macbeth is truly screwed, he is cursed with the conscience of murder, and now he will pass down the thrown to Banquo's son. Lady Macbeth now says that if you've sacrificed everything

Macbeth Act 2 notes

So now the witches are up to no good. They're sacrificing body parts of specific human races into their sick boiling stew or soup, whatever they're making. But it's seems super gross, their witch craft is about to make something wicked comes this way, or "Something wicked this way comes." I don't like the feeling of this. The victims of this witch craft don't deserve this treatment. Oh Lord Jesus savior save us all!!!😦


Make good decisions for yourself, and for your future. I'f you think of making a decision and are feeling bad about it, then don't do it! It will effect your fiture. You will have a guilty feel for a looong time. So, try not to make dumb stupid decisions, that's what I always think to myself, don't embarrass yourself.

Pack your bags, we're going on a guilt trip

So one day, I pulled the fire alarm in junior high. It was before winter break. We were on our last day before we headed for our one month break. I thought it would be funny to pull the alarm, so I did on my last period. I did not feel good. I felt so guilty the whole winter break, thinking what will happen to me, what would be the consequences when we came back. It was the worst winter break ever. I didn't even enjoy it that much because of that guilt. This is a very valuable lesson, don't pull the fire alarm just for fun.

Im sold

When people are about to be persuasive, they don't think about the effects of the other person. People are persuasive to others because they want to get their own way. They're selfish, only thinking about themselves. Being persuasive works a loy. It's basically brainwashing another person who has a weak mindset. If you have a weak mind, then you can easily be manipulated or radicalized by anything a person says. You gotta search for the facts, research, unbiased information. Be strong.

Macbeth's Therapist

Therapist - "So, you moved up to cawdor now right?" Macbeth - "Yes indeed, I'm super excited because I am just one position down from being KING!!! Hell yeah!" Therapist - "What are your wife's thoughts about this?" Macbeth -  Oh man, she's super duper excited as well! She can't wait to become queen! She's so obsessed with the idea!" Therapist - "How obsessed exactly?" Macbeth - "You promise not to say anything?" Therapist - "Of course not! Whatever happens here, stays here!" Macbeth - "Okay, well in that case, I shall tell you...." Therapist - "Sure, start whenever you want." Macbeth - "Okay, so when my wife found out I was close to being king, she started to attack me verbally" Therapist- "Really, how so?" Macbeth - "Well she started to talk crap about me, she was saying that I wasn't man enough to kill the ki- Oh, I wasn't supposed to s

Would I listen to a witch!?

The witches in this play have power because Shakespeare wanted to give them power. They use dark magic, they come from hell. They are no good. Banquo knows that the witches are not to be trusted. Macbeth is getting brainwashed by the idea that the thrown belongs to him. Banquo seems to not want to disagree with Macbeth because he might be a target, I think. Macbeth doesn't care, he's using the prophecy from the witches that Banquo's children will become king to convince Banquo. Forget that! I would never listen to a witch. They lead to no good and make you feel guilt.

The beginning of Macbethy, EXPLAINED!!!

In the beginning, the witches have a spooky entrance, the lightning and thunder make it seem something paranormal is about to happen. This makes the play feel like if it's a scary story. I think that these people really are witches because the God of thunder and lightning does not want them so he tries to strike them, and because they're ugly asf too! Sometimes, being fair to people may make others be foul to you. Or you may just treat people foul and treat others fair, the ones you want. Either way, you end up with one of these in your life. You get mistreated by the people you serve, or you are the one being served, but someone out there is planning something against you, or they just simply still don't like you. I think Macbeth is forced to do something against his will, or is just pressured.  I think that Macbeth loses something but gains another something. He lost his position and moved up to another higher rank. The guy who was cawdor is now sentenced to death whi

Macbeth in his own words

Macbeth seems like a very nice guy, who respects his country and  citizens. But when it comes to defend his people, he does not hesitate to kill the enemy. He doesn't care if you're human, if you're in his way, he will destroy you. But he has a kind heart for his people and his King.


1.) There are apps that you can use in order for your messages to be private/encrypted, such as Signal. Note: both receivers must use this app in order for this to work. 2.) Don't post/send unesseccery things that you will regret in the future.  3.) Change tour passwords constantly for all your social media apps, this will minimize the risk of getting hacked. Choose a random, long, hard to remember password.  4.) My tip, don't message that much people, don't expose your face, don't use your real name, use a VPN app.

Shakespearean Badass

Macbeth seems to be fearless, ruthless, relentless, merciless. He doesn't show remorse, or disgust. He just kills for like sport. He's so good at it, that he's used to being covered on blood and holding a head dripping with blood. He's used to seeing such gore. He probably drinks their blood. Oh Jesus lord savior, save us from this monster.


Macbeth is Shakespeare's shortest tragedy. It's about a person who wanted to rise to power so bad, but it also shows the effects of it, the physical and psychological effects it had on Macbeth. Macbeth is told by three witches that he was destined to become the King of Scotland, he became so obsessed with what he heard, that he started to murder everyone that stood in his path. Macbeth killed the king, which secured his place to the thrown. To make thing's worse, he killed other's that seemed to have suspicion of Macbeth's rise to the thrown. He then started to feel so much guilt and paranoia. In the end, him and his wifey end up dying. This actually seems to be a lot like Trump. I don't know for sure, but Trump may have some connections with Russia since Mueller is investigating him. Trump may have cheated his way to the presidency, Russia seemed to help him. Trump also has been firing many people, that could also be a sign that he doesn't want anyone to su

Paul Simon video

I saw many awesome values in this video. I saw how people treated each other with PLUR - Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect. I truly believe in that. I saw how people collabed to make music, they fused different cultures and sounds on many songs. I see this in a lot of festivals that I watch on YouTube. Dutch Dj's collab with Germans to make even better music. Or how Hispanic people collab with Italians. Many countries unite to make one. It's mind blowing what these cultures can bring to our ears. It doesn't exclude people, it doesn't put others down or call them out, it's doesn't objectify, it's not explicit in which words have to be cut out. It's unique, it's PLUR.

Something wicked this way comes

So it's a story about some teenagers, one is about to turn 14. There's a man who warns them about a big storm coming. There's also a carnival about to happen. This honestly seems to be like a very interesting story that i would like to read about. Maybe the storm will impact the carnival and everybody dies, it will be a cool tragic story. Like Macbeth, these both seem interesting.